Friday, October 30, 2015

How to Care for Natural Stone Countertops

If you just had natural stone countertops installed in your Plymouth home, you might be wondering what you should do first in order to keep them looking their very best. The professionals at Universal Stone have a few suggestions on what steps you need to take to help them stay looking great.

You should always wipe up spills as soon as possible after they happen. Never allow any liquids to sit on your natural stone countertops for too long, especially dark liquids like red wine and coffee. While most natural stone countertops are stain resistant, that cannot guarantee that nothing will ever stain them. It is better to err on the side of caution. Use water and a soft and dry cloth to mop up any spills.

On a regular basis, about once a day or every other day, depending on how often you use your natural stone countertops, be sure to wipe them up with warm water and a specially formulated cleaner. The type of cleaner you get will depend on the specific stone you have. Just be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions when you use it.

Finally, have some basic rules about your natural stone countertops and what they can be used for. Do not allow anyone to paint on them, and do not allow anyone to use glue or to make crafts on them. You might think your natural stone coutnertops will be safe if you lay down a protective layer, like newspaper, but it is still not a good idea. Again, it is better to err on the side of caution.

If you suspect that your natural stone countertops need to be resealed at any point, just be sure to use a drop of water to test them. Drop some water onto your countertops and watch how it behaves. If the water beads up, then your counters are fine. If the water is absorbed into the natural stone, then the counters need to be resealed. Universal Stone can help with that!

With a little bit of maintenance and care on your part, your new natural stone countertops could last you a lifetime!

Would you like more information on natural stone countertops in Plymouth or any of the surrounding areas? Call us at Universal Stone at 952-746-4690, or you can contact us to learn how to get a Free Quote.

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